A Little About Me
Hello, my name is Anna.
When I was around seven or eight years old, I started working with horses. I learned how to be comfortable on a horse by trail riding every day after school and taking a lesson once a week. Eventually, I went to my first show at my county fair. That's when I caught the show bug, and I haven't been "right" since.
This is my first fair with Jetta, the horse I used for lessons.
(Look at those "showmanship" hands!)
I've been blessed with so many opportunities, a fantastic trainer, supportive parents, and horses who aim to please.
The most important thing to remember is to have fun and make showing horses something you genuinely enjoy.
When I was young, I formed some goals to accomplish before I turned eighteen years old. I thought I would share them with you to encourage you that anything is possible.
Show at the AAQHC ( All American Quarter Horse Congress)Place at the AAQHCQualify and compete at the Youth World ShowCompete as an all-around youth
I have completed every goal I set for myself since I was under fifteen years old.
I have even accomplished things I didn't know existed when I was that young. I have exceeded my own expectations, which are the only ones that should matter, all because I was determined to succeed.
I created this blog to capture the experience of a rider who fell in love with quarter horses and achieves her dreams. Through this journey, I hope I can: relay advice to other riders and beginners, remind equestrians what showing is all about, and bring to light many ideas that will continue making our industry great.
Thank you for reading, and good luck!
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