Is Perfection Really Something to Strive for?

  • When we view pictures of champions, are we analyzing them in the right way?
  • Are we realistic in our viewpoints?
  • Do we have reasonable goals, or have we made our goals impossible to achieve?
  • Are we fueling insecurities?
  • Is perfection the goal?
Perfection should never be a goal. You are only setting yourself up for disappointment.No ride will ever be absolutely perfect. There will always be something you want to change. Good rides and becoming a champion are all about setting the standard. That means you were the best you could be at that time- that precise moment. You set the standard. The standard that everyone will strive to break and beat. It's always rising. We have to stop comparing ourselves to others. No one is like you. One ability may come easy to you but may be a challenge for others. 

When you and your horse come together as a team, you are truly the winners.

Your goals should be realistic.
For example, instead of a negative goal like "This time, I will and so."
Try "This time, I will try to keep my heels down."
"I am only trying to have a better pattern than my last show."
"I want to correct the faults I made at the last show."
"I want to be better than I was"
"I want to show the judges how I have improved."

Instead of putting pressure on yourself by saying, "I will place in the top ten."
Say, "I will try to make it to this show."
"I will try to keep my elbows tucked into my side."
"I will look up in my corners."

The best of the best don't compare themselves to others. They set the bar for themselves. They are literally trying to beat themselves.
You won't get far by comparison.

2nd Corinthians 10:12 "Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding."

"Nothing shall I, while sane, compare with a friend." -Homer

"The pursuit of perfection has no end!" - Unknown

It's crucial to understand the importance of setting achievable, realistic goals to be a good competitor. Goals help you focus and keep you accountable. 
So I encourage you to set goals for this new show season. Actually, write them down, so you remember!

My goals for this 2014 show season are to:
(The goals that are crossed off have been completed.)
  1. Qualify for a Youth World Team
  2. Qualify for a Congress Team
  3. Go to one big aqha circuit.
  4. Do 50 setups (showmanship)every practice.
  5. Focus/be accountable this show season.
  6. Stay organized
  7. Try my best
  8. Try a new class whenever I get the chance.
  9. Go to a show I've never been to before
  10. Go to the Gulf Coast shows.
  11. Start doing cardio so I can be still during horsemanship.

I may not achieve all of these goals, but I will have fun trying. 

You won't get anywhere without trying!!


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